Ongoing 在研


National 国家级


(1)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Joint Research Program): Systematic identification and functional characterization of understudied proteins in multiple cancers using proteomics (Grant No. U24A20476) 2025.1-2028.12

(1)国家自然科学基金(联合基金项目):基于蛋白质组学的泛癌未充分研究蛋白质的系统鉴定及其生物功能的初步研究(项目批准号: U24A20476)2025.1-2028.12


(2)Funded by the State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics(SKLP-K202406) 2025.01.01-2027.12.31

(2)医学蛋白质组全国重点实验室自主研究课题资助(SKLP-K202406) 2025.01.01-2027.12.31


(3)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young Scientist Fund):Graph neural networks solve differential equations for protein network inference of drug combinations and analyze the therapeutic effects of drug perturbations (Grant No. 32401239 to Dr Rui Sun) 2025.01-2027.12



(4)Funded by the State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics(SKLP-Y202403, to Dr Sun Rui) 2025.01.01-2026.12.31

(4)医学蛋白质组全国重点实验室自主研究课题资助(SKLP-Y202403,孙瑞博士) 2025.01.01-2026.12.31


(5)Funded by the State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics(SKLP-Y202405, to Dr Dong Zhen) 2025.01.01-2026.12.31

(5)医学蛋白质组全国重点实验室自主研究课题资助(SKLP-Y202405,董振博士) 2025.01.01-2026.12.31


(6)National Foreign Expert Program-Mobility Programs (Grant No. H20240764) 2024.01-2025.12



(7)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young Scientist Fund):Proteomic big data and machine learning empowered research on host immune responses before and after COVID-19 vaccination (Grant No. 32200763 to Dr Yingrui Wang) 2023.01-2025.12

(7)国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目):基于蛋白质组大数据和机器学习的新冠疫苗接种前后的宿主免疫反应系统研究(项目批准号:32200763 ,王瑛睿博士)2023.01-2025.12


(8)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Major Research Plan):Exploring colorectal cancer and its microenvironment evolution and accurate molecular classification via expansion microscopy and spatial proteomics (Grant No. 92259201) 2023.01-2026.12



(9)National Key R&D Program of China: Intelligent characterization and deep learning of thyroid carcinoma biomarkers based on proteomic big data (Grant No. 2022YFF0608403 to Dr Yi Zhu) 2022.10-2026.09

(9)国家重点研发计划:特征生物分子智能识别与生命信息深度分析 (项目批准号:2022YFF0608403,朱怡博士)2022.10-2026.09


(10)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Joint Research Program) : Geometric deep learning methods and application of proteomics cancer pattern analysis (Grant No. U21A20427) 2022.1-2025.12



(11)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Joint Research Program) : Geometric deep learning methods and application of proteomics cancer pattern analysis (Grant No. U21A20427) 2022.1-2025.12

(11)国家重点研发计划:高发肿瘤大队列临床蛋白质组关键技术研究(项目批准号: 2021YFA1301600) 2021.12-2026.11


Province and city level 省市级


(1)Zhejiang Province’s Key R&D Plan Project: Construction and clinical study of a new technique for early and precise diagnosis of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma using combined exosome multi-omics biomarkers and multimodal endoscopy (Grant No. 2024C03048) 2024.01-2026.12



(2)”Pioneer” and “Leading Goose” R&D Program of Zhejiang(2024SSYS0035)2023.01-2024.12



(3)”Pioneer” and “Leading Goose” R&D Program of Zhejiang: AI empowered multi-omics for early screening and diagnosis of lung cancer (Grant No. 2023C03056) 2023.01-2025.12



(4)Key Laboratory of Structural Biology of Zhejiang Province



University level 校级


(1)Investigating Universal Pathways of Tumor Cell Death and Predicting Synergistic Anticancer Drug Combinations Using Perturbation Proteomics and AI Models (Grant No. WU2024B018)  2024.12-2026.11

(1)西湖大学校立科研基金项目:基于微扰蛋白质组学结合AI模型探究肿瘤细胞死亡共性通路并预测协同抗肿瘤的药物组合(项目批准号 WU2024B018)2024.12-2026.11


(2)Establishment and Application of a Multi-Dimensional Multi-Omics Big Data-Based Risk Stratification System for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma 2024.6.1-2027.5.31

(2)西湖大学医学院临床+X项目:基于多维度多组学大数据甲状腺乳头状癌风险分层体系建立与应用 2024.6.1-2027.5.31


(3)Proteomics Analysis of Radioiodine-Resistant Thyroid Cancer and Its Clinical Significance 2024.12.1-2026.11.30

(3)西湖大学医学院临床+X项目:碘抵抗性甲状腺癌蛋白质组学分析及其临床意义 2024.12.1-2026.11.30


(4)AI-driven Interdisciplinary Research for Life Sciences and the Industry2024.1-2024.12

(4)西湖大学校立科研基金项目:面向生命科学及产业的 AI+学科交叉研究2024.1-2024.12


(5)An artificial intelligence-driven platform for automated scientific research 2024.1-2024.12



Completed 已结题


International level 国际合作


(1)Singapore MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ACADEMIC RESEARCH FUND (AcRF) TIER 2 : Recovering missing proteins based on biological complexes (Grant No. MOE2019-T2-1-042. PI: Limsoon Wong)

(1)新加坡教育部学术研究基金二级项目:基于复合物的缺失蛋白研究(项目批准号:MOE2019-T2-1-042,PI : Limsoon Wong)


(2)Amazon Collaboration Support (2019)

(2)亚马逊协作支持(2019 年)


(3)Catalyst: Strategic – New Zealand-Singapore Data Science Research Programme:Computational Neuro-genetic Modelling for Diagnosis and Prognosis in Mental Health


(4)Singapore MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ACADEMIC RESEARCH FUND (AcRF) TIER 1 (RG35/20):Improving resolution of batch effects in proteomics data using data-smart strategies: 3 aspects (Grant No. 2020-T1-001-004. PI: Wilson Goh.) (2020-2022)

(4)新加坡教育部学术研究基金Academic Research Fund Tier-1 (RG35/20):Improving resolution of batch effects in proteomics data using data-smart strategies: 3 aspects(项目批准号:2020-T1-001-004, PI: Wilson Goh.)(2020-2022)


National 国家级


(1)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Major Research Plan) (Grant No. 21904107) 2020.01-2022.12



(2)National Foreign Expert Program-Mobility Programs (Grant No. DL2021017002L) 2022.01-2022.12



(3)National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2020YFE0202200) 2021.01-2024.01

(3)国家重点研发计划:人类蛋白质组计划2.0-蛋白质组学驱动的精准医学计划(项目批准号:2020YFE0202200) 2021.01-2024.01


(4)National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program): Discovery and Verification of Novel Protein Biomarkers and Drug Targets for Triple Negative Breast Cancers using PCT-SWATH Proteomic Big Data Technology (Grant No. 81972492 ) 2020.01-2023.12

(4)国家自然科学基金(面上项目):基于PCT-SWATH的蛋白质组大数据技术研究三阴性乳腺癌耐药标记物和克服耐药新靶点(项目批准号:81972492 )2020.01-2023.12



Province and city level 省市级


(1)Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (Grant No. LR19C050001 to T.G.) 2019.01-2022.12



(2)Key Research & Development Program of Zhejiang Province (Grant No.2019C03039. PI: Zhiying Wu) 2019.01-2022.12

(2)浙江省重点研发计划项目(项目批准号:2019C03039,PI:WUZHIYING) 2019.01-2022.12


(3)Hangzhou Agriculture and Society Advancement Program (Grant No. 20190101A04 to T.G.) 2019.01-2021.12



(4)Haihe Laboratory of Cell Ecosystem Innovation Fund (Grant No. 22HHXBJC00001) 2022.6-2022.12



(5)The Key Research and Development Program of Zhejiang Province (Grant No. 2022C03037) 2022.01-2023.12



University level 校级


(1)Westlake Multidisciplinary Research Initiative Center (MRIC) (Grant No. MRIC20200301, 2020)

(1)西湖多学科研究倡议中心(项目批准号:MRIC 20200301)(2020)


(2)Westlake Special Program for COVID-19 (2020)



(3)Proteomic Profiling of Urine and COVID-19 Diagnostics in APEC Economy (Grant No. 2021WUFP002) 2022.1-2023.12



Others 其他


(1)Tencent foundation (2020-2021)



Template: This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2022YFF0608403 to Yi Zhu) and (No. 2021YFA1301600 to Tiannan Guo), “Pioneer” and “Leading Goose” R&D Program of Zhejiang (No. 2024SSYS0035 to Tiannan Guo), and the State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics.

