The State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics
1. 合作研究项目,郭天南,基于蛋白质组学的泛癌未充分研究蛋白质的系统鉴定及其生物功能的初步研究
1. Collaborative Research Project, Tiannan Guo, Systematic Identification and Preliminary Study of Biological Functions for Pan-Cancer Understudied Proteins Based on Proteomics
2. 新星培育项目,董振,基于组织膨胀8000倍的空间蛋白质组学研究阿尔茨海默病中线粒体功能障碍
2. Rising Star Cultivation Project, Zhen Dong, Spatial Proteomics Study of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease Based on 8000-fold Tissue Expansion
3. 新星培育项目,孙瑞,图神经网络常微分方程解析药物微扰蛋白质网络推演药物组合疗效
3. Rising Star Cultivation Project, Rui Sun, Analyzing Drug-Perturbed Protein Networks via Graph Neural Network Ordinary Differential Equations to Deduce Drug Combination Efficacy”